Gate #3 Info
In addition to our long-standing commitment to traditional shooting sports, we are incredibly excited about the strength of the action shooting movement. We are proud to be home to one of the premier Action Shooting Communities in the country.
To meet the growing demand, we have recently added three new competition bays turning our club into a world-class shooting center. We host several monthly practical shooting matches that are open to the public. Are you interested in 3 Gun, Tactical Shotgun, or USPSA? We have you covered. During any given month, from spring to fall, we host several matches covering all the disciplines. We host many Mn3GunGroup Events and all the events for Hawkeye Ignite and FLPSA. We have been home to several national competitions, including the Nordic Components Tactical Shotgun Match, the JP Vortex Tri-Gun, and are the host site to the Jeff Kirkwold Memorial 3 Gun Event, MN USPSA Sections match, and The 2023 Federal USPSA Multi-Gun National Championship Presented by Vortex Optics.

Gate #3 Activities
Gate #3 Events
Access to Gate #3 is available to members only. However, there are many private and public events held here that non members may participate in. For all upcoming Forest Lake Sportsmen’s Club events please see our calendar located here.